Podcast Production


I’m currently producing podcasts for Triple J. I also worked as a podcast producer at Audiocraft and co-ordinated their 2020 Audiocraft Podcast Festival.

Listen to some of my work

  • Graphic bold podcast tile with "Seen" written at the bottom


    If you can see it, you can be it. But what happens when you look around and nobody looks like you? Join host Yumi Stynes for Seen, a new SBS podcast about cultural creatives who have risen to excellence despite arriving in a role-model vacuum. We’ll hear from trailblazers like writer Yassmin Abdel-Magied, musician Ray Ahn, and Olympian Ellia Green about the transformative moments they felt seen.

    This is a podcast series that I created, developed and saw from pre-production to post-production with the team at Audiocraft. It was pitched to and commissioned by the SBS in 2022.

  • Podcast tile: Left hand corner "Up Next" with graphic fuscia arrow on the right of the tile

    Up Next

    As it nears its 50th birthday, the Sydney Opera House is looking to the future to uncover who’ll define the next 50 years of arts and culture in Australia.

    Join host Courtney Ammenhauser as she chats to a spectacular lineup of artists from a variety of creative disciplines as they make their way to one of the most famous performance venues in the world. Hear from effervescent Fangirls creator Yve Blake, spellbinding Dorr-e Dari actor Mahdi Mohammadi and heaps more in this playful interview series that’ll introduce you to Australia’s future arts and culture leaders.

    I helped developed and produced this podcast for the Sydney Opera House with the team at Audiocraft.

  • Search Engine Sex

    Search Engine Sex is the sex and relationship podcast you’ve been searching for (literally). Each episode dives deep to answer some of the most searched sex and relationship questions. Hosted by Rowdie Walden.

    An award winning series I helped produce alongside my Audiocraft colleague Selena Shannon. Want to know how to not be weird about race on a date? Listen to the episode I co-host with Rowdie.

 Podcasts I’ve worked on